Naming the new
a ’cur ainmean air an fheadhainn ùra

As part of the project, a selection of animal and plant species have been chosen which now occur in Scotland but do not yet have established, Gaelic names. In consultation with a panel of advisors, a table of alternative names were compiled for each species using the scientific, Irish and English translations of the name as well as options which reflect the place of the animal in Scotland's ecology - and how they interact with human activity in the environment. A process of further consultation with stakeholders and Gaelic language groups resulted in the final choice of one name for each species.
The database of names will be presented to institutions and reference collections to be incorporated into their archives.
Gender of name is denoted by (b) feminine and (f) masculine. In Gaelic, this has an important influence on the spelling of the word depending on context.
surf scoter
lach-dhubh tuinne (b) black (wild) duck of the wave (lach-dhubh is the name for common scoter)
Scottish crossbill
cam-ghob Albannach (b) Scottish bent-bill
parrot crossbill
cam-ghob làidir (b) strong/stout bent-bill
mandarin duck
lach Shìonach(b) Chinese duck
three-cornered leek
creamh trì-cheàrnach (f) three-cornered leek (creamh is the generic name for garlic, wild leek and wild onion)
Iberian three-banded slug
seilcheag thrì-stiallach Ibeirianach (b) three-streaked Iberian slug
white-letter hairstreak
ròin-stiallach geal (f) white hair-streak
bearded tit
cuilcear staiseach (f) moustached reed-worker/reedling
common rosefinch
deargan drise (f) little red creature of the briar
Montagu’s harrier
clamhan Mhontagu (f) but will mention clamhan cluaine - meadow kite- in the text as one we considered.
Mediterranean gull
faoileag Mheadhan-thìreach (b) Mediterranean gull
beachadair (f) bee worker (beach means bees and wasps)
Cetti's warbler
ceileiriche Cetti (f) but will mention ceileiriche falachaidh - hidden warbler- in the text as one we considered .
crìonag lasrach (b) flaming, wee, little thing
cattle egret
corra-bhàn chruidh (b) pale/white crane of cattle
ring-necked parakeet
paracait choilearach (b) collared parakeet
red-necked wallaby
uallabaidh ruadh-mhuinealach (f)
parti-coloured bat
ialtag dhà-dhathach (b) two-coloured bat
muntjac deer
fiadh-comhartaich (f) barking deer
whiskered bat
ialtag chiabhagach (b)
azure damselfly
cruinneag liath (b) grey, neat young girl
emperor dragonfly
tarbh-nathrach ìmpireil (f)
small skipper butterfly
sùrdagan beag (f) little leaping/skipping creature
buff footman moth
leòmann gille-coise odhar (f)
tree bumblebee
seillean-mòr craoibhe (f)
American signal crayfish
giomach-uisge Ameireaganach (f) American (fresh)water-lobster
harlequin ladybird
daolag-bhreac Àisianach (b) Asian ladybird/speckled beatle
green sea fingers
corragan-mara uaine (b)
leathery sea squirt
spùtachan-mara leatharach (f) leathery, little, squirting creature of the sea
Atlantic bluefin tuna
tiùna gorm-iteach Atlantaigeach (f)
Chinese mitten crab
Crùbag mhiotagach Shìonach (b)
European sea bass
basan-mara Eòrpach (f)
American ragweed
lus-luideig Ameireaganach (f)
bee orchid
mogairlean-seillein (f)
early pampas-grass
feur-pampais an earraich (f) spring pampas-grass
Clutha male-fern
mearlag Chluaidh (b)
Scottish male-fern
mearlag Albannach (b)
Japanese skeleton shrimp
carran-cnàimhnich Iapanach (f)
snow algae
lìrean-sneachda (f)
scarlet berry truffle
balg-losgainn caora (f) red, berry truffle/toad mushroom
fork-palped harvestman
fogharaiche iadhairean-gòbhlach (f) fork-feelered harvestman
St Kilda wren
dreathan-donn Hiortach (f)
Spanish bluebell
bròg na cuthaig Spàinnteach (b)